Island's Finest Pro Vermiculite 10L

Price $ 0.00
Prices excluding sales tax

Short description

Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L is the perfect solution for any gardener or landscaper looking to improve soil quality and increase plant growth. Our vermiculite is sourced from the highest quality mines and is specially processed to ensure optimal water retention, aeration, and nutrient absorption. Whether you're growing vegetables, flowers, or trees, Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L can help you achieve your gardening goals.

    Island's Finest Pro Vermiculite 10L

    Island's Finest
    Price $ 0.00
    Prices excluding sales tax

    Short description

    Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L is the perfect solution for any gardener or landscaper looking to improve soil quality and increase plant growth. Our vermiculite is sourced from the highest quality mines and is specially processed to ensure optimal water retention, aeration, and nutrient absorption. Whether you're growing vegetables, flowers, or trees, Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L can help you achieve your gardening goals.

    Island's Finest Pro Vermiculite 10L
    Island's Finest Pro Vermiculite 10L
    Price $ 0.00
    Prices excluding sales tax

    Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite is a natural mineral that is widely used in gardening and agriculture for its many benefits. Here are some features and advantages of using Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L in your garden:


    • Natural mineral product
    • Lightweight and easy to handle
    • Absorbs and retains moisture
    • Improves soil aeration and drainage
    • Does not decompose or compact over time


    • Enhances root growth and nutrient uptake in plants
    • Reduces soil erosion and nutrient leaching
    • Helps plants withstand drought and heat stress
    • Promotes healthier and more robust plant growth
    • Can be used as a seed starting medium or as a soil amendment
    • Improves soil structure and fertility over time
    • Safe and non-toxic for plants, animals, and humans

    Overall, using Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L in your garden can improve the health and vitality of your plants and soil, making it a great product for any gardener or farmer.


    Here are some directions for using Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L:

    1. Determine the amount of Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite needed.
    2. Prepare the soil before adding the vermiculite, it's important to prepare the soil properly. Remove any weeds, rocks or debris and break up any clumps in the soil. If the soil is very compacted, consider adding some sand or perlite to improve drainage.
    3. Once the soil is prepared, mix the vermiculite into the soil using a garden fork or tiller. Be sure to mix thoroughly to ensure that the vermiculite is evenly distributed.
    4. Now that the vermiculite is mixed in, you're ready to plant your seeds or plants. Be sure to follow the planting instructions for the specific type of plants you are growing.
    5. Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite is excellent at retaining moisture, so be sure to water your plants regularly but be careful not to overwater.

    That's it! With proper use, Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite can help improve soil structure, increase moisture retention, and provide a healthy growing environment for your plants.


    Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L is a versatile gardening product that can be used in several ways to improve soil quality and plant growth. Here are some uses for Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite:

    • When adding Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite to garden soil it helps to loosen it up, allowing water and air to circulate more freely. This makes it easier for plant roots to grow and access nutrients.
    • Capable of holding water in its structure, which can help to reduce the need for frequent watering. It can also help to prevent water runoff and erosion, which can be especially useful in areas with heavy rainfall.
    • Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite can also improve soil drainage in areas where water tends to pool or become stagnant. It helps to keep the soil loose and well-drained, preventing water from accumulating and potentially causing damage to plant roots.
    • A popular choice for starting seeds based of its ability to hold water and maintain a consistent moisture level. It can also provide some initial nutrients for the seedlings as they begin to grow.
    • Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite can be mixed with potting soil to improve its texture and nutrient retention. This can be especially helpful for container plants, which may dry out more quickly than those in the ground.
    • Adding Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite to compost can help to improve its texture and make it easier to work with. It can also help to reduce odor and prevent the compost from becoming too dense or compacted.

    Overall, Islands Finest Professional Vermiculite 10L is a versatile and useful gardening product that can be used in a variety of ways to improve soil quality and plant growth.


    1. Vermiculite